Walking through Acres of Altena

Prisca Visser is a photographer with a love of the outdoors and nature. For the Biesbosch Line she regularly goes out to capture stories. This time she walks a route through the Akkers van Altena. And conveniently, she comes by public transport and describes her route from the train station in Gorinchem to the bus station at Sleeuwijk de Tol.

October means not only the transition to autumnal days and colorful leaves, but also a tasty highlight for foodies and lovers of local food: the Dutch Food Week. This national event puts the spotlight on local food and its future in the second week of October, and the municipality of Altena enthusiastically participated as well. As icing on the cake, VVV Biesboschlinie organized an unforgettable finale: walking through the fields of Altena. An eight-kilometer hike through the beautiful polder landscape, where participants could not only enjoy nature, but also delicious, local delicacies along the way. I decided not only to capture this culinary journey of discovery with my camera, but also to participate myself. What I discovered was a route that was not only a feast for the taste buds, but also easily accessible for everyone, thanks to the convenient connections between the different public transportation points. Here's my step-by-step description of this walk so you can start hiking it anytime, too.

Step 1: starting point Gorinchem station

I use the Merwedelingelijn, which takes me from Dordrecht to Gorinchem. After getting off at the station, it's a 1.5 kilometer walk to the quay where the Riveer ferries are docked. You can walk directly via Google Maps, but it is also an option to take the footpath over the ramparts. Simply follow the numbers: 40, 38, 33 and 30, and you will reach the end point at the ferry. A nice detail is that you can already catch a glimpse of Woudrichem on the other side along the way!

Step 2: crossing by ferry

Enjoying the wind blowing through my hair and the warm autumn sunshine on my face, I think about how nice it is to sail. The world suddenly seems so far away on the water. Getting a ticket for the crossing is amazingly easy. With just a few clicks on the Riveer website and a small payment of €2.55, I have my ticket in my hands. I stand outside at the railing as geese fly over toward warm places and the sun envelops everything in an enchanting, golden glow. On this quiet weekend day, there is little traffic on the water. Slowly we sail to Woudrichem's jetty, where I am surprised by the beautiful sight of this fortified town from the water.

Step 3: tasty stop 1 - tea from Fair of Far

From the dock, continue straight ahead, between the high ramparts into Kerkstraat. You reach junction 9 just before the Gevangenpoort. Nice detail, next to it is a statue of Jacoba van Beieren. Continue in the same direction to the church already visible in the distance. Along the way you will pass Fair van Ver, a charming store where, among other things, delicious tea is sold. The tourist office is also located here, feel free to pick up some nice route guides. At IJssalon Baks, turn right into Bagijnestraat. When the road starts to rise, follow the footpath on the left, which runs along the Rijkswal. After a short distance, turn right, crossing the footbridge, onto the water. At the corner before the bridge, you will find the pole with node 64. From this point the route is easy to follow through the walking nodes.

Step 4: tasty stop 2 - Jammelien's Shop

As I continue the walk, I pass posts 48, 57 and 71, the first section being a path suitable for both cyclists and pedestrians. This path turns into the Merwededijk, where cars also make their way. The dike, rising above the surrounding landscape, offers breathtaking views of the floodplains of the Groesplaat. Here I see grazing wild konik horses, which serve to keep the terrain open. Along the way, I pass Jammelien's Shop, a charming stopping place that is well worth a visit. Along the dike, a large signboard points down to a cute little cabinet full of homemade jams, ceramics and fresh eggs. It doesn't seem wise to carry eggs in my hiking backpack, but I can't resist the temptation of the jar of elderflower apricot jam.

Step 5: enjoying nature along the way

Attention is required at point 71, because the post is not immediately visible; you have to look back to discover it. As soon as the Merwededijk bends sharply to the right, you see a wooden swing gate on the left with a clear sign: entrance Liniepad, which is point 71. Go through the gate and follow the grassy path along the dike. Cross a small road and continue on a wide grass path to post number 73. At the end of the path you come to a busy road, but just before that the path curves to the right. A little later you cross the road to point 72 and continue the trail through the farmlands of Kraaiveld Estate, heading for number 74. You now walk along a beautiful lane with unobstructed views over the meadows.

Step 6: tasty stop 3 - farm store Estate Kraaiveld

Along the picturesque avenue of Kraaiveld Estate, the trail takes you through an orchard, past a turnstile and swing gate to the back of the farm. A walk along Kraaiveld's neatly landscaped beds leads you to the "terrace" sign. Next to this cozy terrace sheltered by some trees is a cozy estate store. Here they sell delicious breads and cakes from baker Hardeman, fresh organic vegetables from the estate and refreshing juices. My stomach growls, and I pick out a delectable-looking filled cake. Just relaxing on the terrace is a welcome break. After this brief stop, I continue my path, leave the driveway and turn right before the main road. This was point 74. I cross a wildlife grid and walk past ponds and earth banks, passing bunkers that are not called that at all but were so-called group shelters.

Step 7: meandering through the polder

On the way to nodes 76, 77 and 26 I follow clearly marked signs, walk past fields and pass the Uitwijkse molen. Just before the Zandwijkse molen I turn right, onto a grassy path that marks the final kilometers of the route. During my walk, I am surprised by brief rain showers; cold drops fall on my neck, but fortunately they quickly disappear and the sun reappears. The trail leads past water where a father and son are fishing. Suddenly, a rusty turret looms up among the bushes; once a turret casemate, now converted into a bird-watching cabin. Despite this interesting scene, I continue on my way through the Zevenbansche Boezem nature reserve. Here you have to be careful: you reach a ditch with a small bridge. At the end of this path you reach the cycle path at junction 77. From here it is a short walk to point 26.

Step 8: end point and culinary indulgence - Fort Altena

At point 26, located near the parking lot of Fort Altena, after reaching the sign, cross the road. There you will discover a narrow concrete staircase that leads to a path that leads to you to the fort. Once you reach the fort, you can choose to take a walk around the grounds. For me, it's time to head inside for a well-deserved cup of coffee. In the brasserie, you can enjoy a delicious lunch and tempting apple pie. If you want to return to Breda or Gorinchem, you can take a short walk to the highway overpass where the buses stop on two sides, leaving from Tol Oost or Tol West in Sleeuwijk.

Whether you are a local resident or a visitor looking to explore the beauty of Altena, this walk through the fields offers a perfect opportunity to experience the flavors of the region while enjoying the beautiful natural surroundings. So put on your walking shoes, follow this route and let your senses be enchanted by Altena's rich culinary traditions. The Biesbosch Line awaits you, ready to take you on an unforgettable journey full of taste and surprises!

Would you also like to walk the same route as Prisca? Here is an overview of the locations she visited

- Ferry crossing
- Fair of Far. The store is open Wednesday and Thursday from 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. & Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- IJs & Spijssalon Baks. In winter they do not sell ice cream, but bake oliebollen. In November and December, they are open Saturdays and Sundays from 12.00 - 5 p.m. Check the current opening hours on the website.
- Jammelien's Shop. There is a cabinet where you can buy the products. So you can stop by at any time.
- Kraaiveld Farm Shop. The store is open Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Fort Altena. The brasserie is open Friday through Sunday from 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Also take a trip in its starting point Gorinchem or visit the entire Vesting Triangle

Text and photos: www.priscavisser.nl

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