When you walk, you can take your time to discover the world around you. You slow down and encounter the most beautiful things. Be it nature, heritage or the activity on the water or the farmland.

In the Biesbosch Line there is a network of hiking nodes. You can easily map out your own route along the numbered signs and choose the distance that suits you.

In each individual core of the municipality of Altena there is also a mapped out route along the hiking nodes. These are collected in the walking guide that is available free of charge at the VVV Biesboschlinie folder posts or digitally on this page.

Between the rivers Maas and Merwede lies the Biesboschlinie, an island of tranquility between Holland and burgundian Brabant. Vast, tranquil and rugged, the Biesbosch Line is characterized by its rich variety of heritage. You will find ancient farms, churches, mills and the southernmost part of the largest monument of the Netherlands: the New Dutch Waterline. Partly because of its rich history, it is a fantastic area for cycling, walking and boating. Because of its central location, the area offers a good base for day trips to, for example, major cities such as Den Bosch, Utrecht or Breda. And what about a day at the Efteling or Kinderdijk. Whatever your plans: feel welcome! This is where your adventure begins!

You can rent a (electric) bicycle from various rental locations. Contact the relevant party for availability and bike rental.

This map of the Noordwaard shows the waterways with numbers. You can map out your own route along these nodes.

The Noordwaard is a flow-through area. Water levels are subject to the influx of river water. At high tide, the designated fields flood and the current will be stronger. It is then advisable to choose calmer waters.

The Noordwaard is a special area that has looked very different over the centuries. From countryside full of small hamlets, to inland sea after the Sint Elisabethflood of 1421. And then, via reclaimed land, to flood plain to make room for the river.

Here you can seek the silence and enjoy from the water, for example, a herd of grazing water buffalo or a fishing kingfisher. The creeks meander through the landscape, making the view surprisingly different each time.

You are not out of here just like that, as there are about thirty kilometers of boating route in this area and you do not need to be an experienced canoer to explore here. Just keep in mind that there is no canoe landing stage at the starting point. This may make it a little difficult to get on the water.

You can rent a canoe at Fort Bakkerskil in Nieuwendijk, Jachthaven Van Oversteeg in Werkendam or at DOCKS vissershang Hank. Contact the respective party for availability and canoe rental.



The route offers variation in landscape, the interplay between sky and water on the one hand and on the other hand the green fields with straight polder roads, interspersed with beautiful views of waving corn and strips of field edging sown with colorful flower mixtures.

Be surprised by the many bird species that occur and nest here, such as partridges and other field and meadow birds. Several successful projects are underway in this area to protect birds and their nests in cooperation with farmers, the ANV -and other nature associations that participate in agricultural nature management.

The route runs from Sleeuwijk along the top of the dike with beautiful views of the floodplain.

It is also possible to ride along the bottom of the trail through the osiers there. There is a winding path, which is suitable for riders and drivers. This is a wilder piece of nature where you are sometimes surprised by a fallen tree. Going up and down the dike is quite a challenge for many a horse or carriage, especially because of the height to overcome, but once down you enter another world where the light is filtered through the leaves of the fallen willows.

Once back on top of the dike you will hear the sound of the ferry sailing between Gorinchem and Sleeuwijk.

The dike offers a lively spectacle over the wide floodplain and river. If the weather is nice, drive on to Woudrichem. There is a wading area for horses to cool off on a hot summer day.

Another gem during the route is the Almbos, accessible only to equestrians.

In this forest, you ride next to landscaped trails.

Here the call of the cuckoo can be heard. A little further on is fort Giessen.

You approach another village, Uitwijk, with its village square and characteristic atmosphere.

Pay close attention to your fellow cyclists on the bike path, as it can be crowded on a nice summer day. Here you will find gently sloping banks and lots of green nature. The path meanders along with the Alm.

From Uitwijk you can continue driving towards the Pompveld. A beautiful natural area, which was created in the past as a hunting ground. Now you can drive along the edge over a wide quay. It seems as if time has stood still here, but appearances are deceptive because plenty of new nature developments are taking place here.

Continue your route toward Almkerk. There is plenty of natural beauty to enjoy along the way. You pass the new estate Klootwijck and cross the Woudrichemseweg here and drive towards the Omloop. In the distance looms the water tower of Uppel.

If you drive even further you will eventually arrive at Fort Altena. Here you can take a horse and cart across the drawbridge into the fort grounds and take a well-deserved rest for man and beast alike.

From here it is a long walk to the parking lot at Sleeuwijk. For safety, use the wide bike path, which runs along the edge of the forest.

Arriving at the traffic circle, riders can turn right to ride a scenic route across farmland, between partridges, on the spot at the bend.

Riders can ride along a wide grassy strip here and arrived at the mill, it is a few steps further until the narrow bridge. Here you can take your horse over the bridge and cross the water again towards Uppel, or you can dismount on the way and enjoy the wide view there.

Whichever tour you choose, you will be surprised by the great diversity the municipality of Altena has to offer.

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