'Villages and polders enclosed in vastness'

GPX - A dyke of a bike ride

What is an island without dikes?
Unimaginable right? And right there you are!
On an island surrounded by river and old sea dikes.

The unique thing about this tour is that 99.9% of the time it goes over the dike. And over some of the most beautiful dikes in the Netherlands! You'll pass through the historic fortified town of Woudrichem and one of the largest inland ports in Europe, among other places. Enjoy rugged vistas of the ever-changing rivers, the sight of the castle from which Hugo de Groot managed to escape, centuries-old mills and monumental farms.

The Biesbosch Line can only be reached by bridge or ferry. Often you do not even realize that you have come here by water. It is only when you are here that you may notice the many dikes. They meander along with the rivers and when you cycle over them, a dike offers you a beautiful stage to enjoy the view.

During the round trip through the Biesbosch Line you have views of the Merwede, the Maas, the Heusdens Canal, the Bergsche Maas and the creeks in National Park De Biesbosch: Jeppegat and Steurgat.

Start where you want and make your own journey through the Biesbosch Line.

Especially for the Pontjesdagen, foot-cycle ferry Boven 't Gat has created an art route. This route takes you via the ferries along all the sculptures of Altena.

You can rent a (electric) bicycle from various rental locations. Contact the relevant party for availability and bike rental.

Ode to the Island
Sonnet by Altena
Where the rivers guard your borders
Where ferry or bridge grants hesitant access
Where hard workers never forsake labor
Where storm surge and disaster have wept
Counts and knights inhabited your fields
Built their blockhouses and demanded tolls
Thou hadst thyself mentioned in the annals
Worthy, but sometimes also as a den of rascals
Now, my Altena, is only enjoyed
Of all the beauty that thou hast always offered
Villages and polders enclosed in vastness
Never again a front in the field of advance
Enemy and turncoats thou hast repelled
Voltreffer, clay island, robust as granite!

© Lizzy van Pelt

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