Bicycle routes

With the wind in your nose and the sun in your hair: cycle into adventure in the Biesbosch Line!

The VVV provided numerous bicycle routes in the cores and outskirts of the municipality of Altena. We list them here for you.


During the Pontjesdagen on May 6 and 7, you can spend a weekend planning your own route. By bicycle or on foot, you will travel through the area from Woudrichem to Wijchen. The many recreational foot and bicycle ferries take center stage during these Pontjesdagen.

The participating entrepreneurs provide attractive resting places and a number of them sympathetically respond to this event and offer some extras that make the experience that weekend in this special area even more beautiful. Click on the image to the right to download the brochure of Boven 't gat.

Marianne Vos Cycle Route

Multiple Olympic and world cycling champion Marianne Vos, has Wijk & Aalburg as her home base. Proud of this resident, the municipality put her in the spotlight with every world title. For each victory a bench or picnic table was placed at a beautiful location. Along all these locations runs the Marianne Vos bicycle route. Follow her tire tracks, and don't forget to stop along the way for a delicious picnic.

A Dike of a bike ride

This bike tour takes you over dikes 99.9 percent of the time. You will pass through the historic fortified town of Woudrichem and along one of the largest inland waterway ports in Europe. Enjoy rugged vistas of the ever-changing rivers. Visit Slot Loevestein, the castle from which Hugo de Groot managed to escape. Cycle past centuries-old mills and monumental farms. And don't forget to restand enjoy the hospitable reception at the terraces along the way. You choose your starting point: the bicycle tour is a tour through the municipality of Altena and its countryside.

Down the paths, into the fields

In addition to National Park De Biesbosch, the Biesbosch Line contains numerous smaller natural areas. This allows plants and animals to move in and through the area, and biodiversity is maintained.

This bicycle route takes you past all the natural areas in the Biesbosch Line. Get off your bike more often during this tour! Stand eye to eye with the water buffalo in the Biesbosch, spot birds from special huts, discover what a swallow wall is, pick herbs for your sandwich or take a refreshing dip in the river. You certainly won't get saddle sore on this bike route. The "dismounts" are far too interesting to pass up!

Cycling and stories along the line

Cycle through the southernmost part of the Dutch Waterline. A unique landscape: the largest number of preserved WWI shelters in the Netherlands can be found here.

With this bike route, download the izi-TRAVEL app and you'll treat yourself to ten unique soldier stories along the route. You can download the app for free in your app store. You can also listen to the stories wherever you want.

Tour of Farmland & Cycling for your food

A bicycle tour of the most beautiful farms, enjoy local produce along the way.

The beauty of farmland is that the fields shroud themselves in a different adornment each month. One time the corn wows you golden yellow, a few weeks later a pale green haze just above the clay promises a rich corn harvest. Hospitable farmers offer their produce along the roadside or in their yards. Now that is pure enjoyment!

Don't need a route but want local producers? We like to tip you Cycling for your food Altena. This website and Facebook group are constantly looking for the best places to get your food by bike. Plot your own route and enjoy the local offerings in Altena.

Cycling routes Pure from Altena

Pure from Altena is the name under which a number of regional producers in the municipality of Altena work together. These are farmers, but also other producers and together they promote their products in the region. Would you like to know exactly where all the products come from? And would you like to combine a beautiful bicycle route with the experience of the honest products that Altena has to offer? Whichever route you choose, it is PUUR enjoyment!

Fort tour - 70 km through the New Dutch Waterline

This bicycle tour takes you along the forts of Altena: the starting point of the New Dutch Waterline. A tough bike ride through the largest national monument of the Netherlands, and upcoming Unesco World Heritage Site. Well worth the pedaling!

From Fortified Town to Fortified Town route

This 42 km bicycle route takes you on a tour of two provinces. You cycle from the fortified town of Woudrichem to the fortified town of Heusden. Along the way you pass numerous historically interesting places and buildings. An atmospheric route that introduces you to all the beauty that the land of Heusden and Altena has to offer. Download the route here, or pick it up at one of the tourist information points in the region.

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