Round Eethen

This walk is actually a three-in-one village tour. You start in Eethen at an unusual little church with parts dating back to the 12th century. From the parking lot near the church you walk via the Cornelis Branderhorstsraat towards the north. Follow this street until the junction with the Provincialeweg Zuid, with junction 41 on the other side. From here you head into the polder toward Babyloniënbroek, an elongated farming village with proud inhabitants. And watch out for racing cyclists, because it is the village where cyclist and cyclo-crosser Marianne Vos lives. Along the way, you'll encounter a care farm that sells its produce from the land along the road. You skirt Dussen to walk to Meeuwen. Here along the provincial road are the Witte molen and an emergency house from just after World War II. When the mill is running you can visit it and the emergency house. Along the provincial road you walk back to the church in Eethen.

Activity: hiking

Distance: 14.5km
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