Bicycle route Galeiweg

Junctions: 8 - 2 - 4 - (27) - 11 - 10 - 22 - 30 - 22 - 10 - 29 - 15 - 18 - 16 - 21 - 22 - 20 - 8
Number of km: 27 km

Starting point: Biesbosch MuseumEiland, Hilweg 2 in Werkendam

You park at the Biesbosch MuseumEiland where there is free parking and a charging point for electric bikes. You follow the route towards the Spieringsluis which connects the Biesbosch and the Nieuwe Merwede.

Enjoy the rugged nature and winding bike paths along the way. Stop halfway for lunch or a drink. There are plenty of picnic spots along the way. You will pass by Fort Steurgat. This fort is now inhabited and served to close off the Nieuwe Merwede and the Steurgat. Feel like shopping and stretching your legs? Take a side trip to junction 30. Then you will come to the center of Werkendam with a pleasant shopping street on the Hoogstraat. Then end the route again at the Biesbosch MuseumEiland. You can come here all year round for coffee or lunch in the restaurant area. Or stick a museum visit behind your bike ride and learn about the history of the Biesbosch: how the freshwater tidal area was created after the Sint Elisabethflood of 1421 and about the inhabitants and their crafts.

Activity: cycling

Distance: 27km
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