Press Release: Enjoying winter in the Biesbosch Line

Press Release

Oct. 7, 2021

The Biesboschlinie also bustles with numerous activities in winter. There is something for everyone: from winter hiking or candlelight tours to atmospheric shopping for the holidays. All activities are collected in a handy winter guide.

Winter in the Biesboschlinie
From December through February, winter rest reigns in the Biesboschlinie. But that doesn't mean there's nothing to experience. At Winter Wonder Woudrichem, everyone gets in the mood for the holidays. All months there are winter walks for a breath of fresh air, musical performances at Kasteel Dussen and for the old-fashioned winter feeling the washerwoman gives tours of Fort Altena.

Activities in the Fortified Town Triangle
Winter is also anything but dull with our neighbors in the Fortified Town Triangle. Tours by candlelight at Slot Loevestein or ice skating at the Gorcums Winterfestijn: plenty to do for a complete weekend visit to all the fortresses.

Winter Guide
The Biesbosch Line is home to ancient heritage and beautiful nature. The area covers the municipality of Altena with its 21 towns, including Woudrichem, and the southern part of the Biesbosch. There is a lot to enjoy ... also in winter. Therefore, VVV Biesboschlinie collected the activities for this winter in a winter guide. The guide is available from the end of November at tourist locations in the region and digitally via .

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