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Boating trip crossing route

Feb. 23 at 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

At the end of the war, the Biesbosch played an extremely important role in the course of the liberation. The Albrecht spy group organized courier lines through the Biesbosch called crossings. During the crossings, important messages or persons were ferried across. Medicines were also brought back with them.

The organized crossings work was done by 21 people, who together made about 374 crossings. Often they were on these dangerous trips 4 nights a week, with a high chance of being discovered by the Germans. Not every crossing succeeded and sometimes they were forced to turn back.

Two motor vessels, which were in hiding in the Biesbosch (first in the Gat van Lijnoorden near the Petrushoeve and later at the Brugje van St. Jan), were seized and set up as prisoner ships (Martha Jacoba & The 8 Gebroeders). The distribution office in Hank was robbed to get food stamps. Farmers who knew about the actions provided potatoes, cabbage and fruit. The number of prisoners of war reached 75.

On the occasion of the 80-year commemoration, a number of crossing trips will be organized from the museum during the period September 2024 through April 2025. Through the Biesbosch they will sail to the little bridge of Sint Jan.

Reservations via: www.biesboschmuseumeiland.nl/exposities/crossingtocht


23 februari
13:30 - 16:30
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