Biesbosch Line and Beleef Altena launch #buylocalaltena

The corona crisis affects us, as a country, as a province, as individuals. Only together can we inhibit the virus, only together can we care for each other. Therefore Beleef Altena launches together with VVV Biesbosch Line: #kooplokaalaltena

Buy local!

Did you know that lots of business owners in Altena are working through? Piece by piece they have found creative solutions to offer their services in a safe way even in times of social distancing. Hospitality establishments are turning into drive-in or pick-up locations, and all kinds of products are being shipped or even delivered to your home - from books to daily groceries.

Contactless, but with a warm heart

Our entrepreneurs are a great support to the residents of Altena. Vulnerable people or people in isolation no longer have to go out for their necessities. But they also help their fellow entrepreneurs, for example by taking over inventory. Where the World Shop thought it would be stuck with its stock of Easter eggs, Akkers van Altena now delivers them home with the rest of your groceries.

Only together

Let us also help our entrepreneurs through these difficult times. Reading material? Aunt Bethje will gladly bring you your new book. Hungry? Find out what De Heerlijckheid or the Koppelpaarden have on the takeout menu!

Help each other, support each other - then through social distancing we will come closer together. For the full list of local stores, visit Experience Altena.

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