You start at the bandstand in this cozy village. The church in this village is worth a visit. You walk along the little river the Wijde Alm in the direction of Rijswijk to arrive at Almbos (picking is allowed) at Fort Giessen, the southernmost fort of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie. If the gate is open, take a look! It has been recently restored and a volunteer will be happy to show you the fort. Taking the country road towards Waardhuizen, you will arrive back at the bandstand in Uitwijk.

You can extend the route by walking straight ahead at node 11 towards nodes 34 and 35. A beautiful route along the Wijde Alm in nature. At node 35 you turn right towards points 37, 36 and 13. Then you are back at the point where this route started.

Overview of all our routes in the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie

You start at brasserie Boven de Rivieren, a floating restaurant in the harbor of Sleeuwijk. Behind this restaurant the floodplains form a beautiful nature reserve De Groesplaat. The entrance to this is a gate to the right behind the restaurant. You walk towards Woudrichem along the river, where you can pick delicious blackberries in the summer. Before Woudrichem you leave the floodplain and walk into the polder. At the two mills you follow the Liniepad, a walking path that goes from Fort Bakkerskil to Slot Loevestein. The mills can be visited when the miller is present and the sails are turning. Along the Liniepad are several casemates that can also be visited inside with some scrambling. There are several benches in this piece of nature where cultural heritage is richly represented. Through the outskirts of Sleeuwijk this route goes back to the floodplain and you come to the end point.

Overview of all our routes in the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie

You start at the parking lot along the dike overlooking the Afgedamde Maas. The first part of the walk you follow this dike and you can enjoy the beautiful view towards the province of Gelderland that lies on the other side of the water. Between the trees you can see Slot Loevestein and sometimes you can also see large grazers on the river bank. You walk along the Petter trail, named after former mayor Frank Petter who is also known for saving a very elderly woman from drowning in the wide ditch next to the trail. In the vernacular, then, the Petter trail is called Spetterpad with a smile. You continue walking along the Veldweg to get back to Rijswijk. This walk combines perfectly with the walk around Woudrichem!

From the starting point you walk in the direction of Werkendam. A vast, quiet stretch overlooking the various polders bordering the National Park De Biesbosch. You walk past Fort Bakkerskil, a fortified town belonging to the New Dutch Waterline, a special resting place!

You walk past mill De Vervoorne Polder to the other side of the A27, where Fort Altena is located. This fort is also part of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie and is well worth a visit. The road continues along a meandering dike through the village of Uppel to the south. On the way you will come across a number of mills and if a mill is running you can pay a visit. The millers are happy to show you how everything works. On this route you will come across farms selling produce. Just before Dussen you turn west again and walk back to Nieuwendijk.

At the starting point, you can reserve an extra in advance by calling +31183403274. There will be a knapsack waiting for you, filled with sandwiches, fruit and goodies. The cost is €7,50 and Marie will give you a free bottle of water with it.

Your starting point is the Witte molen in Meeuwen, a household name in the village and wide surroundings! On Saturday afternoons (and whenever it is running) the mill is open and you are welcome to visit. In the mill the products of the mill in Woudrichem are sold.

From the starting point you walk through the southern polder of Meeuwen towards the small river Oude Maasje and the Bergsche Maas. You follow the Oude Maasje up to and including the village of Drongelen and continue along the Bergsche Maas to later end up back in Meeuwen via a rural road. Along the way you will encounter numerous benches and picnic areas.

On the edge of National Park De Biesbosch lies the village of Hank. With its large campground, De Kurenpolder, this village has twice as many inhabitants in summer as in winter. From the starting point we soon enter the polder. You walk over an old sea dike where the water also took lives in 1953. On the right you see the South Holland mill beckoning with its sails to the cars on the A27. A national highway that in the 1960s caused the island that is the Land of Heusden and Altena to come out of its isolation. For a moment we make a side trip to the neighboring village of Dussen. There you also walk along an old dike and pass by a clog factory before returning to the vastness of the polder.

The walk begins at a special monument that was festively opened in 2018 after a thorough renovation: Fort Giessen, the southernmost fort of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie. When open, it is definitely worth a visit. The volunteers are happy to tell you about the period of World War I. An experience park has also been developed with a trench! There is an unpaved walking path around the fort.

The walk leads you through the village, toward the Wilhelmina Lock. Want to take a look? Then walk after node 27 along the provincial road towards the lock. Then walk over the dike towards the connection with the walk around Rijswijk and through the village and Almbos (picking is allowed) to the end point.

Overview of all our routes in the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie

The walk starts at Café 't Zwaantje, a cozy village pub where the pleasant atmosphere of yesteryear still hangs. You walk towards the village and pick up the junction network here. The walk takes you along the Bergsche Maas where an American Windmotor has been placed in the floodplain. A nice place for a nice picnic! Genderen is an enterprising village. Where other villages see their facilities disappear one by one, this is not a reality in this village. For example, a cheese farm is located along the provincial road. Because the junction network does not pass by them, this is not part of this walk, but well worth your visit. You'll find a cheese farm with a store, local products and lots of activities. The farm is across Provincialeweg Zuid at node 53. At node 82 you will find a point of sale of local products.

This walk is actually a three-in-one village tour. You start in Eethen at an unusual little church with parts dating back to the 12th century. From the parking lot near the church you walk via the Cornelis Branderhorstsraat towards the north. Follow this street until the junction with the Provincialeweg Zuid, with junction 41 on the other side. From here you head into the polder toward Babyloniënbroek, an elongated farming village with proud inhabitants. And watch out for racing cyclists, because it is the village where cyclist and cyclo-crosser Marianne Vos lives. Along the way, you'll encounter a care farm that sells its produce from the land along the road. You skirt Dussen to walk to Meeuwen. Here along the provincial road are the Witte molen and an emergency house from just after World War II. When the mill is running you can visit it and the emergency house. Along the provincial road you walk back to the church in Eethen.

Dussen is close to the Bergsche Maas River. This river was dug by hand at the beginning of the last century to protect 't Hertogenbosch from flooding. From the village you walk towards this river. Along the way you come across a free ferry. Even after more than a century, this is still a gesture to compensate farmers for being separated by the river from their fields on the other side. Everyone gets to enjoy this, because crossing the river costs nothing.

Towards Meeuwen you come across a lovely picnic area. You cross the provincial road (pay attention) and then walk back into the rural part of Dussen. After junction 70 you walk past the windmill into the nature reserve Kornsche Boezem, also called the Kleine Biesbosch. This is also a great place for a picnic. Along an old dike with monumental farms and a clog maker you walk to the end point.

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