Biesbosch Line Accessibility.

Accessibility Biesboschlinie and Woudrichem

Public transportation


The Biesboschlinie is located halfway between Utrecht and Breda. With the express bus that runs between these cities, the Biesboschlinie is also easily accessible. The central point for bus transportation is the transferium at the Tol in Werkendam. There you can enter the area with regional buses or travel on to the cities of Gorinchem, 's Hertogenbosch and Waalwijk (via bus station De Kromme Nol in Wijk en Aalburg). Also from the Kromme Nol you can take neighborhood buses into the Biesbosch Line.

Plan your public transportation trip on: OV9292


The nearest train station can be found in Gorinchem. You can easily travel to the Biesbosch Line by public transport bike, bus or ferry.

Plan your journey by public transport on or on OV9292.
Would you like to reserve a public transport bike? You can do so here.


Several ferries access the area. There are 12 foot, bicycle and car ferries, opposite 3 bridges and 1 lock. Yes, you really are on an island here!

Current sailing times can be found here.

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